use P&P CITO inspections!
The P&P CITO company executes the professional inspections of medical equipment, we make investigations of safety , investigations of correctness of non failure operation , investigations of electromagnetic field, preservation of device , calibration , authentication and different as well as we confirm in writing the present state of efficiency and safety of equipment.

The development of technique favours the initiation the new solutions, also in range of medical devices. Electronic medical equipment, used both in treatment, as and in diagnostics, it can however make up potential threat for patients and staff .
In worry about safety of Your equipment, the staff and patients our company purchased the extremely specialist measuring systems, respons to the requirements of norm of safety EN 60601 for medical electric devices. We thanks this device are able to quickly and unfailingly qualify the state of technical safety of Your medical equipment.
According to content of law with day 20 May 2010 r. Users of medical products are obliged to behaviour of appropriate care in range of selection as well as the carrying out the reviews and preservation, and in peculiarity to warnings of instruction of using delivered by producer. What it be described in 11 chapter exactly.
The technical control of apparatuses is very important because it lack obliges users to carry responsibility for possible medical liable incident damage of patient. Regularly executed technical inspections and preservations permit significantly to reduce the risk of pronouncement of serious breakdown.
Inspections of electric safety according to norm EN 60601
Technical inspections of medical equipment
The tests of electric safety of medical Aparatury according to norm EN 60601
The development of technique favours initiation of new solutions, also in range of medical devices. Electronic medical equipment, used both in treatment, as and in diagnostics, it can however make up for patients and staff potential threat.
In worry about safety of Your equipment, the staff and patients our company purchased the extremely specialist measuring systems, responds to requirements of norm of safety EN 60601 for medical electric devices. Thanks to this device we are able to quickly and unfailingly qualify the state of technical safety of Your medical apparatus.
The P&P CITO company executes the professional inspections of medical equipment, we make investigations of safety , investigations of correctness of non failure operation , investigations of electromagnetic field, preservation of device , calibration , authentication and differentas well as we confirm in writing the present state of efficiency and safety of equipment.
According to content of law with day 20 May 2010 r. Users of medical products are obliged to behaviour of appropriate care in range of selection as well as the carrying out the reviews and preservation, and in peculiarity to warnings of instruction of using delivered by producer. What it be described in 11 chapter exactly.
The technical control of apparatuses is very important because it lack obliges users to carry responsibility for possible medical liable incident damage of patient. Regularly executed technical inspections and preservations permit significantly to reduce the risk of pronouncement of serious breakdown.
* Inspections of safety according to norm EN 60601 – the rehabilitation equipment