We are the distributor of main world manufacturers of medical equipment.
Fact this permits us to assure the most profitable prices as well as authorized warranty and after-warranty service. The many years co-operation both from posts of medical service and with manufacturers of medical apparatus permitted us on conquest in this trade the experience, which give us professional service in field of medical equipment. Knowledge which we won the possibility of competent advising it lets in range of sale as well as service of medical apparatus.

In frames of services P&P CITO we assure:
- the delivering and installation of bought medical equipment,
- the training of medical staff in frames of service of medical equipment,
- the technical help and the solving problem in range of service and use of medical equipment,
- advising technical in range of projection of contracts of, planning of costs, creating of having in view the purchase of medical apparatus offers,
- the carrying out the current repairs and preservation of medical apparatus,
- full guarantee and after-warranty care,
- the periodical reviews of equipment from regard the current legal requirements,
- in range of preparation of rooms and devices leadership of projects and their realization co-operating from apparatus medical,
- rapid access to part, and materials exploational accessories in competitives prices,
- the flat-rate service preservative the continuity of work contracts,
- the exchange of so far exploited devices on new, with possibility of devotion old in accounts
confirming our skills